Sorchia DuBois


Sorchia Dubois writes paranormal adventure and mystery from her upstairs office overlooking an Ozarks piney forest. Her books delve into the riddles of life and the occult—Karma, reincarnation, psychic powers, mysticism, ancient cultures, and good old fashioned “ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night.” But supernatural experiences aren’t the only scary things in her books. People are flawed and do unspeakable things to each other without any supernatural influence at all. Separating what is real from what is imagined; what is earthly from what is unearthly; and what can be corrected from what can only be survived are the challenges her characters face. Her books celebrate all things Celtic--and Scottish. If you enjoy strong female protagonists, spooky settings, and sometimes steamy Gothic romance, take a look at Just Like Gravity, her latest release.

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