A Company of Owners by Daren Martin|Book Review - $9.99


A Company of Owners: Maximizing Employee Engagement. Kindle Edition.

By Daren Martin (Author)


Hello, my name is Maria and today we’re talking about two very short books written by Daren Martin.

A company of owners is about maximizing employee engagement and Martin talks about how rather than having employees you should be having owners.


So you want to have a company of owners.

In this book Martin shows us how we can create a company of owners.


How we can develop that type of mentality in our “employees”, but they’re not employees, they’re “owners”, and the impact that can have on your business.


The second book, Beached Whale is about how companies need to adapt to the modern marketplace and metaphorically a beached whale company is a company that has failed to do so and is stranded and will eventually die because of it’s inability to swim in the new ocean.


So these two books are very short, they’re under 200 pages but the pages are very short and have a lot of quotes.


You can see here that it’s not a typical layout for a book, it’s very aesthetically pleasing to look at, it’s nicely laid out, there’s nice designs, nice quotes throughout the book so it won’t take you long to read at all.


A Company of Owners by Daren Martin

Let’s go over some of the positives and who I think should be reading this book.


One great thing about this book is that it’s very short and I think for a lot of people that don’t necessarily read that much this can be very helpful, it can give you the opportunity to pick up one or two quick ideas and run with it and use that as the foundation.


Another thing I like about both these books is that they’re filled with quotes.

I’m a big fan of quotes and I think they’re really interesting in terms of being able to spark an idea and inspire you.


Maybe one or two of the quotes will stand out to you and will stick with you.

I definitely like that about these books.


Who should be reading these books?


If you’re looking for inspiration for your business, these books would be great for you because they definitely show you an overview of business and it’ll show you what areas you might be failing in or struggling in and what areas you’re competent in.


So I think these two brief books will give you the opportunity to see. You know this is something we need to work on in our business and I also think they are great types of gifts to give to your employees as an inspiration because they are so quick to read.


I also think if you’re a leader or an aspiring leader these books would be helpful in showing you what is expected of leaders?


What differentiates them from other members of the business and how you can act more appropriately to be a leader.


That’s it, that’s my book review of a company of owners and beached whale by Daren Martin.


If you want to see what I talked about here in a written format or you want more information on the author please head over to my blog www.promotekdbook.com.


Next week I’ll be back with another book review, but until then, keep reading and keep learning!

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017HTCS6K

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booknow2015@gmail.com https://www.promotekdbook.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017HTCS6K

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Category Business Money Added Aug 17, 2017 Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017HTCS6K Views 1698 Rating
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